Jack Nimitz

If you love the baritone then you need to listen to Jack Nimitz!

Tales of a Woodwind Repairman 7.14.20:

I have been very lucky to have had many great clients over the years (too many to name them all) …. I will tell stories about many of them in future Tales…

Jack Nimitz

Well, Jack became one of my best friends … here is how I met him… I was in my shop in North Hollywood and the phone rang of course…. I picked it up and the guy on the other end said, “Who is this” Well, I really do not like to hear that when I pick up the phone and said “Who the F _ _ _ do you want” … He said “this is Jack Nimitz and I want to speak to Rheuben Allen” …. I thought OH SHIT!… So, I said let me get him for you… I gave it a second or two and picked the phone back up and tried to act somewhat intelligent…. Jack said Bob Sheppard had given him my name and he wanted to come by…. we set up a time and I hung up…. I learned not to react so poorly on the phone that day! I enjoyed every minute I spent with Jack… he was the first one to take me to Sushi….