Introducing the Plateau Clarinet

Learn about the clarinet

Introducing the Plateau Clarinet.A covered hole clarinet is a huge help for players with smaller hands or with finger problems such as arthritis, but it is also recommended for any player who simply wants a clarinet that is easier to play! On an ‘ordinary’ clarinet the main six finger holes need to be perfectly covered … Read more

New Accessories Coming Soon

Accessories Coming Soon! I will be introducing a New Rheuben Allen Freedom/Power 92% copper Tenor Saxophone Neck in early May 2019.  This is the final neck in the development and evolution of my saxophone necks. This neck will offer more of everything you want in a saxophone neck.  Volume Range, Great Tone Color and a … Read more

King Saxophone Tone Holes

King Saxophone Tone Holes The first photo shows two tone holes before they are cleaned.  As you can see there are many small places that are not smooth. These small dings in the tone hole need to be fixed before starting to put new pads in the saxophone so the pads will seat better. This … Read more