It is important to practice every day so the embouchure and mind remember what you learn..
Formally the Sax Shop of North Hollywood, CA
It is important to practice every day so the embouchure and mind remember what you learn..
The Oehler system (also spelled Öhler) is a system for clarinet keys developed by Oskar Oehler. Based on the Muller System (Ivan Muller) clarinet, the system adds tone holes to correct intonation and acoustic deficiencies, notably of the alternately-fingered notes B♭ and F. The system has more keys than the Boehm system, up to 27 in the Voll-Oehler system (full … Read more
Introducing the Plateau Clarinet.A covered hole clarinet is a huge help for players with smaller hands or with finger problems such as arthritis, but it is also recommended for any player who simply wants a clarinet that is easier to play! On an ‘ordinary’ clarinet the main six finger holes need to be perfectly covered … Read more